Thursday, July 04, 2013

Wasa Lake - Best Water-Ski Lake in the Canadian Rockies!

Rose cutting glass.

Smooth water almost every day till noon. Almost no people (except on long weekends). Gotta love it!

ps It is a very bad lake for tubing, way too flat water. Try Koocanusa for more waves.
pss The Kootenay River is much more fun for Jet Skis and Jet Boats.
psss There's an unconfirmed rumor that an escaped alligator was attacking Wake Boarders as they jumped. Maybe safer to go to Invermere.


  1. Now that you put this out there everyone will come!
    I can confirm that alligator. Took a bite out of my prop last year.

  2. me too, I barely escaped the gator, he nearly got me at the launch and actually chomped my hitch off my is aweful for tubing and wakesurfing......

  3. what's up with the mosquitoes...where did they spend the money this year???

  4. James, should users be able to create new topics on this blog? I can reply to existing posts but I can't figure out how to create topics. Maybe I'm just blind...


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